Academic Exchange: Uniting Europe and Asia
Since the internationalization strategy adopted in 2019, Merseburg University of Applied Sciences (HoMe) has been working continuously to expand its international network. The 'International HoMe' project (2021-2022), funded by German Academic Exchange Service, has already established sustainable global cooperation. The current 'EURA Bridge (Europe-Asia Bridge)' project, as a follow-up funding, intents to further strengthen the university's links to the Balkans and selected Asian countries.
Current Announcement
About the project
With the EURA Bridge (Europe-Asia Bridge) project, the Vice Rectorate for Research, Knowledge Transfer and Entrepreneurship, in close cooperation with the Department of Business Administration and Information Science and the Department of Engineering and Natural Sciences aims to encourage students and staff at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences to expand their international network, broaden their intercultural skills and gain experience abroad. International interaction and cross-cultural engagement should also be experienced directly on campus.
Target Groups
- Students at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences
- Foreign students (especially in the Balkans, Thailand, Singapore and Vietnam)
- Domestic and foreign PhDs
- Academic and non-academic university staff in Germany and abroad
Aimed Project Outcome
- Further expansion of the internationalization of Merseburg University of Applied Sciences
- Establishment and expansion of networks between Merseburg University of Applied Sciences and partner universities in Europe and Asia
- Promotion of international exchanges for Incomings and Outgoings
- Increasing the proportion of international students at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences
Project contents
- Implementation of the "International Research Camp" and its long-term establishment at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences
- Establishment of the international Master's degree program "Applied Chemistry" in cooperation with the Universities of Kragujevac and Novi Pazar (Serbia)
- Establishment of a PhD Double Degree in cooperation with Naresuan University (Thailand)
- Integration of semesters abroad and cultural exchange into the curriculum
International teaching and research - the sub-projects
The Department of Business Administration and Information Science, the Department of Engineering and Natural Sciences and the Vice-Rectorate for Research, Knowledge Transfer and Entrepreneurship are involved in the project. It is divided into five sub-projects.
International lehren und forschen - die Teilprojekte
This sub-project is a follow-up to successfully established connections in the Balkans from the previous project. It aims to further expand cooperation and provide students and teaching staff with intercultural and specialist training. To this end, research activities in the field of chemistry are coordinated and carried out with various Balkan countries.
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Goran Kaluderovic
As part of the project, an international Master's degree program is to be introduced between the Merseburg University of Applied Sciences and the Universities of Kragujevac and Novi Pazar in Serbia. This will enable students to receive an intercultural education in applied chemistry. The program will also offer unique flexible access opportunities and promote international cooperation and the development of sustainable chemical processes and products.
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Goran Kaluderovic and Prof. Dr. Valentin Cepus
This sub-project focuses on the development of cooperation with universities in South East Asia in the field of marketing and supply chain management. Joint doctoral programs are being established and research activities in supply chain finance and food supply chain management are being carried out in order to strengthen international research cooperation.
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Dirk Sackmann
In October 2024 and May 2025, the International Research Camp (IRC) on the campus of Merseburg University of Applied Sciences will provide an international platform to bring together researchers, doctoral candidates and students from different academic backgrounds and open up the space for discussions, the exchange of findings and collaboration in various research areas.
Further information you will find here.
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Doreen Pick
The Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR) sub-project is part of the Digital Change research focus at the Merseburg University of Applied Sciences and is being investigated in a doctoral project. Research stays at the National University Singapore and Chulalongkorn University in Thailand are planned in order to further develop the concept of CDR through joint empirical studies.
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Doreen Pick.
About the previous project
During the two-year funding period of the 'International HoMe' project in 2021 and 2022, Merseburg University of Applied Sciences was supported in its further internationalization as part of the bet36体育在线_bet36体育投注¥官网.International program of the German Academic Exchange Service. One particular project success is the introduction of the international BA degree course in 'Engineering and Management' in the winter semester 2022/23. The international network of Merseburg University of Applied Sciences was also expanded. For example, the number of visits abroad by university members and return visits was increased, international events were held and the network of partner universities was expanded.
Further project outputs:
- Introduction of the "Cross-Cultural Competence" certificate
- Blended Intensive Programs (BIP) of the Euclides Network (INW)
- Buddy service of the International Office
- Information brochures for incoming and outgoing students
- Image film for incoming students
Project Manager

Project team