

Engineering Sciences and Information Technologies (IWIT)

Engineering Sciences and Information Technologies (IWIT)
Doctoral Center

Deutsch | English

Doing a Doctorate at the Doctoral Center IWIT


IWIT stands for a special research strength in engineering sciences & information technologies. Since 2021, you can do your doctorate at this Doctoral Center without cooperating with a university. To this end, Merseburg University of Applied Sciences works closely with the Anhalt and Harz Universities of Applied Sciences.


Welcome to the Doctoral Center IWIT

At the Doctoral Center for Engineering Sciences and Information Technologies (IWIT), early career researchers can obtain the following academic degrees:

Doctor of Engineering or Doctor of Science in Engineering (Dr.-Ing.)
Doctor of Natural Sciences or Doctor of Science (Dr. rer. nat.)

With the awarding of the independent right to confer doctoral degrees, the extraordinary research strength of the universities of applied sciences in Saxony-Anhalt was recognized. Now the universities of applied sciences can independently lead researchers on their way to their doctoral degrees. The Doctoral Center IWIT combines the competences of the universities of applied sciences in Anhalt, Harz and Merseburg. 


Excellent support at three universities of applied sciences

The pronounced interdisciplinarity and the broad expertise of the professors involved from the three universities of applied sciences in Anhalt, Harz and Merseburg are the special strengths of the cross-university Doctoral Center IWIT. For your doctorate, you will have supervisors from several fields of engineering sciences and information technologies at your side. Doctoral students can choose between seven research areas and, thus, place their topic precisely.

  • Electrical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering and Geodesy
  • Mechanical Engineering and Materials Technology
  • Chemical and Environmental Engineering
  • Applied Natural Sciences
  • Applied Computer Science
  • Information Processing and Communication Technologies


Forward-looking ideas for the environment and society

The doctoral students of the Doctoral Center IWIT make a valid contribution towards meeting future challenges regarding digitalization, artificial intelligence, climate change and sustainability. Therefore, the Doctoral Center IWIT bundles marketable ideas and innovative strength and, thus, shapes the technological change towards a sustainable society.


Do you have an idea?

Do you have an idea for a dissertation topic in the field of engineering sciences and information technologies and are interested in doing a doctorate at a university of applied sciences in Saxony-Anhalt? At first you should read the doctoralregulations of the Doctoral Center IWIT. Then look for a professor at the Doctoral Center IWIT who would like to supervise the topic. The best thing to do is to make an appointment with the potential supervisor to present the topic and win them over to support your project. In the next step, you conclude a doctorate agreement with your supervisor and submit the application for acceptance as a doctoral candidate with all the necessary documents to the doctoral committee. This also includes writing an exposé on the doctoral project. You can find the required documents here.


The application including all required documents must be submitted both by post and digitally to the contact person at the university where your first supervisor is located. It is essential that the postal and digital versions match exactly (e.g. certified certificates and documents must also be scanned in). If your supervisor is located at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences, please send the documents as individual PDF files to Sandra Dietzel ( first digitally for preliminary review. You can only submit the final documents by post and digitally once you have received feedback on the review.

Prorektorat für Forschung, Wissenstransfer und Existenzgründung
z.Hd. Sandra Dietzel (RZ/32)
Eberhard-Leibnitz-Stra?e 2
06217 Merseburg 

If your first supervisor works at another university of applied sciences, please go to: HS Anhalt, HS Harz


Meetings of the Doctoral Committee

The doctoral committee meets every first Thursday of the month.

Please submit your acceptance application in full to Sandra Dietzel ( at least three weeks before the date of the meeting!



Sandra Dietzel
Projektkoordination und Referentin für wissenschaftliche Nachwuchsf?rderung
Raum: Rz/A/0/32
Telefon: +493461 46-2361

Arrange a consultation appointment

This project is supported by the Center of Advanced Scientific Education.



Management of the IWIT

Speaker of the Board

Prof. Dr. Eduard Siemens, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences





Deputy Speaker of the Board

Prof. Dr. Frieder Stolzenburg, Harz University of Applied Sciences





Member of the Management

Prof. Dr. Mathias Seitz, Merseburg University of Applied Sciences





Supervising Professors at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr. Valentin Cepus
Professur für Chemie / Instrumentelle und Kunststoffanalytik
Raum: Hg/D/2/08
Prof. Dr. Dr. Georg Hillrichs
Au?er Dienst - Professur für Physik und Mikrosystemtechnik (i.R.)
Raum: --
Telefon: --
Prof. Dr. Dr. Goran Kaluderovic
Professur für Anorganische Chemie und Umweltchemie
Raum: Hg/D/1/08
Telefon: +49 3461 46-2012
Prof. Dr. Eckhard Liebscher
Professur für Mathematik/Stochastik und Datenanalyse
Raum: Hg/E/4/16
Telefon: +49 3461 46-2860
Prof. Dr. Stephan Schmidt
Professur für Mechatronische Systeme
Raum: Hg/C/4/06
Telefon: +49 3461 46-2974
Prof. Dr. Mathias Seitz
Professur für Verfahrenstechnik/Technische Reaktionsführung
Raum: Hg/D/2/10
Telefon: +49 3461 46-2104
Prof. Dr. Andreas Spillner
Professur für Mathematik/Diskrete und Computergestützte Mathematik :
Raum: Hg/E/4/17
Telefon: +49 3461 46-3057
Prof. Dr. Hilke Würdemann
Professur für Umwelttechnik/Wasser- und Recyclingtechnik
Raum: Hg/D/0/10
Telefon: +49 3461 46-2019

Supervising Professors at Anhalt and Harz University of Applied Sciences


You can download the required documents here.


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