

Consultation and Coaching

Consultation and Coaching for Doctoral Students

Deutsch | English

consultation offers for more clarity in your mind


As a person interested in doing a doctorate or a current doctoral student you may have many questions. We offer a variety of consultation services to help you get the right answers.

No matter what your concerns are, feel free to arrange a consultation appointment and we will support you with the counselling format that suits you.



Individual Consultation

The Graduate Academy at HoMe offers you individual and confidential consultation and accompanies you in all phases of your academic career. Topics of personal consultation may include, for example, financing options for your doctorate, organizational matters, questions about your decision to do a doctorate or information about careers within and outside academia.

We will also be very happy to advise you on organizational questions and formalities surrounding starting a doctorate at a Doctoral Center.


Advisor: Sandra Dietzel
Scope/Duration: depending on the topic of the consultation session - max. 1 hour; online, by phone or in person
Registration:  by arrangement via



Sandra Dietzel
Projektkoordination und Referentin für wissenschaftliche Nachwuchsf?rderung
Raum: Rz/A/0/32
Telefon: +493461 46-2361

Arrange a consultation appointment

Solution-Oriented Individual Coaching

Are you frustrated with your doctorate? While writing your dissertation, there are phases that are difficult or unsettling. For example, your own self-management and time management do not work out or difficulties arise concerning the supervision of your doctorate. For more clarity in your mind, the Graduate Academy at HoMe offers you the opportunity to work on your personal concerns in individual coaching sessions. Those sessions take place in a confidential and solution-oriented manner. In this way, you can reflect upon your resources, strengths and obstacles and find a good way to deal with hurdles and challenges.


Coach:    Sandra Dietzel
Scope/Duration:max. 1 hour, several appointments possible; online as well as in person
Registration: by arrangement via


Collegial Consultation

Would you like some feedback on your professional questions and key topics from "like-minded people" (peer-to-peer)? Do you seek feedback from colleagues or doctoral researchers who are in a similar situation to you? Collegial consultation provides insights and new impulses. This program supports you via well structured, trusting consultation talks using the existing knowledge and experience of the group. Joint solution options are developed for each individual case.


Registration: via;
A joint appointment is possible after a registration of at least 4 people.
Scope/Duration:  2 hours


Contact Points for Further Concerns

In the event of conflicts, misconduct and experiences of discrimination, we recommend that all parties involved first seek a discussion in order to resolve the problem amicably. If this is not successful, you can contact the following contact points, depending on the type of conflict and the composition of the parties involved.

Graduate Academy

If you have any concerns, you can contact the Graduate Academy Team. If necessary, we can refer you to the specific advice centers at the university.



Ombudspersons are experienced university lecturers who are appointed by the Senate on the recommendation of the Rectorate. They are the point of contact for university members who wish to report allegations of academic misconduct. As a person of trust, the ombudsperson advises those who inform them of suspected academic misconduct and takes up relevant information of which they become aware (possibly via third parties) on their own initiative. Every member of the university has the right to speak to the ombudsperson personally within a short period of time.


Coordinator of the Family-Friendly University

The appreciation, balance and compatibility of family and career is an important concern of the family-friendly university. In addition to numerous information and event offerings, the coordinator offers individual advice and support on compatibility. In cooperation with other stakeholders, this makes an important contribution to a diverse university community in which the best possible working conditions are created for everyone.


Central Equal Opportunities Officer

The Equal Opportunities Officers are involved in all personnel, organizational and social measures insofar as they relate to gender equality, the compatibility of studies, career and family as well as protection against sexual and sexualized discrimination and violence.

In addition to the central Equal Opportunities Officer, the decentralized Equal Opportunities Officers of the departments and the administration are permanent members of the Equal Opportunities Commission.



If you feel that you or others have been treated unjustly, unfairly, disrespectfully or discriminated against (or are unsure whether this may be the case), you are welcome to contact the confidential advice center. They will first listen to your concerns and then advise you on possible courses of action.

The basis for the work of the confidentiality office is the "Regulations for respectful and fair treatment and protection against discrimination and disadvantage at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences" (Amtl. Bekanntmachungen 23/2021 in German).


You can find further advocacy groups at /hochschule/information/interessenvertretungen/ (in German).


Center of Advanced Scientific Education (CASE)
funded by

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