Chima Anyadike-Danes
Raum: FO/0/23
E-Mail pers?nlich: chima.anyadike-danes@hs-merseburg.de
Ausgew?hlte Publikationen und Referenzen
Articles in Refereed Journals
Anyadike-Danes, Chima Michael “Divergent Imaginings: Transitioning toDecarbonised Mobility in Post-Coalonial County Durham”. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift. ?Vol 78, No 4 November.
Anyadike-Danes, Chima Michael “ Is a Foundation Year Program to?an A-Level as a 7-UP is to a Sprite: Exploring an Attempt to Diversify?an English University ”. Teaching Anthropology , Vol 10, No 1 August.
Anyadike-Danes, Chima Michael “ Trucking with Time: The Emergence?of New Mongolian Mobilities in America .” BOAS Insights , No 1 March.
Anyadike-Danes, Chima Michael “ 'You've got to be there to know it': Experiencing LA's Koreatown ”. Lo Squaderno , No. 53 September.
Book Chapters
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Anyadike-Danes, Chima Michael “ A Bear and Those Things Beneath My Knees: Nature in Settler Colonial Los Angeles ”, In: Ferne Edwards, Ida Nilstad Pettersen and Lucia Alexandra Popartan (eds.). Urban Natures: Making Visible, (Re)Connecting and (Re)Politicizing .
Anyadike-Danes, Chima Michael “ Whose Witnesses: An Examination of the Potential Pitfalls of Producing EV Futures Through Experimentation ”, In: Kelsey Oldbury, Karolina Isaksson, and Greg Marsden (eds.).? Learning from Spaces of Experimentation: Risks, Values ??and Issues at Stake for Sustainable Transport Governance .
Anyadike-Danes, Chima Michael “Rethinking Post-Socialism: Making Post-Socialist Mongolia's Futures in Los Angeles”, In: Ines Stolpe and Judith Nordby (eds.). Horizons of Futures in Post-Utopian Mongolia .
Book Reviews
Anyadike-Danes, Chima Michael “ Review: The Shadow of the Mine: Coal and the End of Industrial Britain. Huw Beynon and Ray Hudson, London: Verso, 416 pp” , Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. 31.2.
Anyadike-Danes, Chima Michael “Review: Geocultural Power: China's Quest to Revive the Silk Roads for the Twenty-First Century. Timothy?Winter, Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 288 pp , ” Inner Asia?? 22.2.
Anyadike-Danes, Chima Michael “Review: Undocumented Latino?Youth: Navigating Their Worlds. Marisol Clark-Ibá?ez, Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 271 pp , ” City & Society 31.3.
Anyadike-Danes, Chima “Review: Caribbean Migration to Western Europe and the United States”. Runnymede Quarterly Bulletin , No.360.
Anyadike-Danes, Chima Michael “ Urban Anthropology: Britain ”, In: Hilary Callan and Simon Coleman (eds.) The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology .
Anyadike Danes, Chima Michael. “ The Anthropology of Post-Coalonialism .” EASA Network for Contemporary Anthropological Theory.
Anyadike Danes, Chima Michael. “ British Coalmining Communities: An Extended Reading List .” EASA Network for Contemporary Anthropological Theory.
Bosanquet, Maggie, Jacki Bell, Yaodong Wang and Chima Michael Anyadike-Danes . “ Case Study: Durham County Council: Home Working Energy Usage Project .” Local Government Association .
Bosanquet, Maggie, Jacki Bell, Yaodong Wang and Chima Michael Anyadike-Danes . “Home Working Energy Usage Project Report” Local Government Association .
Copeland, Claire, Chima Michael Anyadike-Danes , and Simone Abram. “Tools for Local Government Net-Zero Decision Making” . Policy brief. POLICY@SUSSEX .
Anyadike‐Danes, Chima Michael, et al. "Reflections on American Anthropology: A Conference at UC Irvine." American Anthropologist ? 114.4.