Georg Hillrichs
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E-Mail pers?nlich: georg.hillrichs@hs-merseburg.de
nach Vereinbarung
Fein- und Mikrobearbeitung mit Laserstrahlung
Ausgew?hlte Publikationen und Referenzen
N. Michler, M. G?tze, T. Kürbitz, V. Cepus, C.E.H. Schmelzer, G. Hillrichs, A. Heilmann, Laser Structuring of Polyamide Nanofiber Nonwoven Surfaces and their Influence on Cell Adhesion, Macro Materials & Eng (2022) 2200175.
P. Engl, T. Hedtke, M. G?tze, J. Martins de Souza e Silva, G. Hillrichs, C.E.H. Schmelzer, Laser microstructuring of elastin-gelatin-based biomedical materials, Procedia CIRP 111 (2022) 638–642.?
F. Du, H.E. Yener, G. Hillrichs, R. Boldt, R. Androsch, Crystallization-Induced Polymer Scaffold Formation in the Polymer/Drug Delivery System Poly(l-lactic acid)/Ethyl Butylacetylaminopropionate (PLLA/IR3535), Biomacromolecules (2021).
H. E. Yener, G. Hillrichs, R. Androsch, Phase behavior of solvent-rich compositions of the polymer/drug system poly(butylene succinate) and N,N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide (DEET), Colloid Polym Sci 33 (2021) 444.
M. G?tze, T. Kürbitz, C. Costa, C.E.H. Schmelzer, A. Heilmann, G. Hillrichs Surface modifications of polylactide nanofiber nonwovens and bulk material by short and ultrashort pulsed laser radiation, SPIE Photonics West 2019 (Invited Paper)
M. G?tze, T. Kürbitz, O. Krimig, C.E.H. Schmelzer, A. Heilmann, G. Hillrichs Investigation of Laser Processing of Biodegradable Nanofiber Nonwovens with Different Laser Pulse Durations JLMN-Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering, (submitted, Juni 2018)
M. G?tze, A. Mannan Farhan, T. Kürbitz, O. Krimig, S. Henning, A. Heilmann, G. Hillrichs Laser Processing of Dry, Wet and Immersed Polyamide Nanofiber Nonwovens with Different Laser Sources JLMN-Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering, Vol. 12, No. 3, (2017)
G?tze, Marco; Krimig, Olaf; Kürbitz, Tobias; Henning, Sven; Heilmann, Andreas; Hillrichs, Georg Picosecond laser ablation of polyamide electrospun nanofibers Proc. SPIE 10094 (2017)
G?tze, Marco; Krimig, Olaf; Kürbitz, Tobias; Henning, Sven; Heilmann, Andreas; Hillrichs, Georg Processing of polyamide electrospun nanofibers with picosecond uv-laser irradiation Physics Procedia, Volume 83, 2016, Pages 147-156 (2016)
G?tze, Marco; Kürbitz, Tobias; Henning, Sven; Heilmann, Andreas; Hillrichs, Georg Mikrostrukturierung von Polyamid und Polyamid-Nanovliesen für biomedizinische Anwendungen durch UV-Pikosekunden Laserstrahlung Tagungsband 17. Nachwuchswissenschaftlerkonferenz in Schmalkalden S.217-221 (2016)