


Prof. Dr. Dr. Goran Kaluderovic
Professur für Anorganische Chemie und Umweltchemie
Raum: Hg/D/1/08
Telefon: +49 3461 46-2012

From synthesis to antitumoral activity of platinum(II) and platinum(IV)...


  1. Kalu?erovi?, G. N. and Paschke, R. (2011): Anticancer metallotherapeutics in preclinical Development, Curr. Med. Chem. 18, 4738–4752.
  2. Gómez-Ruiz, S., Maksimovi?-Ivani?, D., Mijatovi?, S. and Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2012): On the discovery, mechanism and use of cisplatin and metallocenes in anticancer chemotherapy, Bioinorg. Chem. Appl. Article ID 140284, 1–14.
  3. Kne?evi?, N.?. and Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2017): Silicon-based nanotheranostics, Nanoscale 9, 12821–12829.
  4. Mijatovi?, S., Bramanti, A., Nicoletti, F., Fagone, P., Kalu?erovi?, G., Maksimovi?-Ivani?, D.  (2018): Naturally occurring compounds in differentiation based therapy of cancer, Biotechnol. Adv. 36, 1622-1632.
  5. Zmejkovski, B.B., Panteli?, N.?., Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2022): Palladium (II) complexes: Structure, development and cytotoxicity from cisplatin analogues to chelating ligands with N stereocenters, Inorg. Chim. Acta 120797.
  6. Ivana Predarska, I., Kalu?erovi?, G. N. and Hey-Hawkins, E. (2024): Nanostructured mesoporous silica carriers for platinum-based conjugates with anti-inflammatory agents, Biomat. Adv. 165, 213998




Editorials, perfaces

  1. Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Gómez-Ruiz, S., Maksimovi?-Ivani?, D., Paschke, R. and Mijatovi?, S. (2012): Metals in Medicine, Bioinorg. Chem. Appl. Article ID 705907, 1–2.
  2. Kalu?erovi?, G.N. and Jovanovi?, LJ. (2014): Perface, Polyhedron 80, 1–2.
  3. Kalu?erovi?, G.N. and Panteli?, N.? (2023): Advanced Nanomaterials in Biomedical Application, Nanomaterials 13, 1625.


Book chapters

  1. Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Schmidt, H., Steinborn, D. & Sabo, T. J. (2008): Inorganic Biochemistry: Research Progress. In J. G. Hughes, A. J. Robinson, (Ed.), From synthesis to antitumoral activity of platinum(II) and platinum(IV) complexes with bis(carboxyalkylamino)ethane and -propane ligands (S. 305–326). NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Hauppauge.
  2. Wessjohann, L. A., Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Neves Filho, R. A. W. et al. (2013): Science of Synthesis: Multicomponent Reactions. In T. J. J. Müller (Ed.), Further Components Carboxylic Acid and Amine (Ugi Reaction) (S. 415–502). Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag KG.
  3. Wessjohann, L. A., Schreckenbach, H. F. & Kalu?erovi?, G. N. (2014): Science of Synthesis Reference Library: Biocatalysis in Organic Synthesis. In K. Faber, W.-D. Fessner, N. J. Turner, N. J. (Eds.), Enzymatic  C-Alkylation of Aromatic Compounds (S. 177–211). Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag KG.



  1. Sonam, S., Jela?a, S., Laube, M., Sch?dlich, J., Pietzsch, J., Maksimovi?-Ivani?, D., Mijatovi?, S., Kalu?erovi?, G.N., Hey-Hawkins, E. (2024): Carborane Conjugates with Ibuprofen, Fenoprofen and Flurbiprofen: Synthesis, Characterization, COX Inhibition Potential and In Vitro Activity,

  2. Kasalovi?, M.P., Jela?a, S., Milanovi?, ?., Maksimovi?-Ivani?, D., Mijatovi?, S., La?arevi?, J. Bo?i?, B., Markovi?, Z., Dun?erovi?, D., Rüffer, T., Kretschmer, R., Kalu?erovi?, G.N., Panteli?, N.?. (2024): Novel triphenyltin(iv) compounds with carboxylato N-functionalized 2-quinolones as promising potential anticancer drug candidates: in vitro and in vivo evaluation, Dalton Trans. 53, 8298-8314.

  3. Kasalovi?, M.P., Dimi?, D., Jela?a, S., Maksimovi?-Ivani?, D., Mijatovi?, S., Zmejkovski, B.B., Schreiner, S.H.F., Rüffer, T., Panteli?, N.?., Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2024) Trimethyltin(IV) Bearing 3-(4-Methyl-2-oxoquinolin-1(2H)-yl)propanoate Causes Lipid Peroxidation-Mediated Autophagic Cell Death in Human Melanoma A375 Cells, Pharmaceuticals 17, 372.

  4. Ludwig, G., Ran?elovi?, I., Dimi?, D., Komazec, T., Maksimovi?-Ivani?, D., Mijatovi?, S., Rüffer, T., Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (Pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)chloridoiridium(III) Complex Bearing Bidentate Ph2PCH2CH2SPh-κPS Ligand, Biomolecules 14, 420.

  5. Panteli?, N.?., Dimi?, D., Saoud, M., Matovi?, L.R., Jovanovi? Stevi?, S., Kasalovi?, M.P., Doj?inovi?, B., Zmejkovski, B.B., Banjac, N.R., Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2024): Triphenyltin(IV) compounds bearing modulated azo-carboxylato ligands: Synthesis, structural characterization, in vitro cytotoxicity, BSA/DNA binding affinity, and in silico studies, J. Organomet. Chem. 1013, 123158.

  6. Hmedat, A.N., Morejón, M.C., Rivera, D.G., Panteli?, N.?., Wessjohann, L.A., Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2024): In vitro anticancer studies of a small library of cyclic lipopeptides against the human cervix adenocarcinoma HeLa cells, J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 89, 471-484.

  7. Eichhorn, T., ?o?i?, M., Dimi?, D., Morgan, I., Milenkovi?, D., Rennert, R., Ami?, A., Markovi?, Z., Kalu?erovi?, G.N., Dimitri? Markovi?, J. (2024) :Ru(II)-Nitrophenylhydrazine/Chlorophenylhydrazine Complexes: Nanoarchitectonics, Biological Evaluation and In silico Study, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 27, e202300683.

  8. Kasalovi?, M.P., Jela?a, S., Maksimovi?-Ivani?, D., La?arevi?, J., Radovanovi?, L., Bo?i?, B., Mijatovi?, S., Panteli?, N.?., Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2024): Novel diphenyltin(IV) complexes with carboxylato N-functionalized 2-quinolone ligands: Synthesis, characterization and in vitro anticancer studies, J. Inorg. Biochem. 250, 112399,


  9. Nikoli?, D., Gen?i?, M., Aksi?, J., Radulovi?, N., Dimi?, D., Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2023): Diorganotin(IV) complexes with hydroxamic acids derivatives of some histone deacetylases inhibitors,  J. Serb. Chem. Soc.

  10. Richter, S., L?nnecke, P., Bovan, D., Mijatovi?, S., Maksimovi?-Ivani?, D., Kalu?erovi?, G.N., Hey-Hawkins, E. (2023): Square-pyramidal mononuclear, dinuclear and polymeric copper(II) complexes with (2-pyridinylmethyl)amino derivatives, J. Serb. Chem. Soc.

  11. Eichhorn, T., Dimi?, D., Milenkovi?, D., Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2023): Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization, and DFT analysis of dichlorido (η6-p-cymene) ruthenium (II) complexes with isonicotinate-polyethylene glycol ester ligands, J. Serb. Chem. Soc.

  12. Eichhorn, T., Dimi?, D., Markovi?, Z., Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2023): Synthesis, Structural, and Quantum Chemical Analysis of Neutral and Cationic Ruthenium (II) Complexes with Nicotinate-Polyethylene Glycol Ester Ligands, Inorganics 11, 460.

  13. Predarska, I., Saoud, M., Cepus, V., Hey-Hawkins, E., Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2023): SBA-15 Particles as Carriers for a series of Platinum(IV) Complexes with Oxaliplatin Scaffolds Bearing Different Anti-Inflammatory Drugs: Promising Strategy Against Breast Cancer, Adv. Ther. 6, 2300062

  14. Predarska, I., Saoud, M., Morgan, I., L?nnecke, P., Kalu?erovi?, G.N., Hey-Hawkins, E. (2023): Triphenyltin(IV) Carboxylates with Exceptionally High Cytotoxicity against Different Breast Cancer Cell Lines. Biomolecules 13, 595.

  15. Eichhorn, T., Kolbe, F., Mi?i?, S., Dimi?, D., Morgan, I., Saoud, M., Milenkovi?, D., Markovi?, Z., Rüffer, T., Dimitri? Markovi?, J., Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2023): Synthesis, Crystallographic Structure, Theoretical Analysis, Molecular Docking Studies, and Biological Activity Evaluation of Binuclear Ru (II)-1-Naphthylhydrazine Complex, Int. J. Mol. Sci, 24, 689.


  16. Predarska, I., Saoud, M., Dra?a, D., Morgan, I., Komazec, T., Eichhorn, T., Mihajlovi?, E., Dun?erovi?, D., Mijatovi?, S., Maksimovi?-Ivani?, D., Hey-Hawkins, E., Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2022): Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles Enhance the Anticancer Efficacy of Platinum (IV)-Phenolate Conjugates in Breast Cancer Cell Lines, Nanomaterials, 12, 3767.

  17. Kne?evi?, N.?., Ili?, N., Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2022): Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles for pH-Responsive Delivery of Iridium Metallotherapeutics and Treatment of Glioblastoma Multiforme, Inorganics 10, 250.

  18. Bensing, C., Moji?, M., Bulatovi?, M., Edeler, D., Pérez-Quintanilla, D., Gómez-Ruiz, S., Maksimovi?-Ivani?, D., Mijatovi?, S., Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2022): Effect of chain length on the cytotoxic activity of (alkyl-ω-ol) triphenyltin (IV) loaded into SBA-15 nanostructured silica and in vivo study of SBA-15~Cl| Ph3Sn(CH2)8OH, Biomat. Adv. 140, 213054.

  19. Krajnovi?, T., Panteli?, N. ?., Wolf, K., Eichhorn, T., Maksimovi?-Ivani?, D., Mijatovi?, S., Wessjohann, L.A., Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2022): Anticancer Potential of Xanthohumol and Isoxanthohumol Loaded into SBA-15 Mesoporous Silica Particles against B16F10 Melanoma Cells, Materials 15, 5028

  20. Dimi?, D.S., Kalu?erovi?, G.N. Avdovi?, E.H., Milenkovi?, D.A., ?ivanovi?, M.N., Poto?ňák, I., Samo?ová, E., Dimitrijevi?, M.S., Saso, L., Markovi?, Z.S., Dimitri? Markovi?, J.M. (2022): Synthesis, Crystallographic, quantum chemical, antitumor, and molecular docking/dynamic studies of 4-hydroxycoumarin-neurotransmitter derivatives. Inter. J. Mol. Sci. 23, 1001.

  21. Morgan, I., Wessjohann, L.A., Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2022): In vitro anticancer screening and preliminary mechanistic study of A-ring substituted anthraquinone derivatives, Cells 11, 168.

  22. Predarska, I., Saoud, M., Morgan, I., Eichhorn, T., Kalu?erovi?, G.N., Hey-Hawkins, E. (2022): Cisplatin? cyclooxygenase inhibitor conjugates, free and immobilised in mesoporous silica SBA-15, prove highly potent against triple-negative MDA-MB-468 breast cancer cell line, Dalton Trans. 51, 587.


  23. Dra?a, D., Edeler, D., Saoud, M., Doj?inovi?, B.,  Dun?erovi?, D., ?mura, G., Maksimovi?-Ivani?, D., Mijatovi?, S., Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2021): Antitumor potential of cisplatin loaded into SBA-15 mesoporous silica nanoparticles against B16F1 melanoma cells: in vitro and in vivo studies, J. Inorg. Biochem. 217, 111383

  24. Arlt, S., Petkovi?, V., Ludwig, G., Eichhorn, T., Lang, H., Rüffer, T., Mijatovi?, S., Maksimovi?-Ivani?, D., Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2021): Arene Ruthenium(II) Complexes Bearing the κ-P or κ-P,κ-S Ph2P(CH2)3SPh Ligand. Molecules 26, 1860.

  25. J?nicke, P., Lennicke, C., Meister, A., Seliger, B., Wessjohanna, L.A., Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2021): Fluorescent spherical mesoporous silica nanoparticles loaded with emodin: Synthesis, cellular uptake and anticancer activity, Mat. Sci. Eng. C 119, 111619

  26. Panteli?, N.?., Bo?i?, B., Zmejkovski, B.B., Banjac, N.R., Doj?inovi?, B., Wessjohann, L.A., Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2021): In Vitro Evaluation of Antiproliferative Properties of Novel Organotin(IV) Carboxylate Compounds with Propanoic Acid Derivatives on a Panel of Human Cancer Cell Lines. Molecules26, 3199.

  27. Hussain, H., Roos, A.H., Haeri, H.H., Kalu?erovi?, G.N., Hinderberger, D., Westermann, B. (2021): Access to New Cytotoxic Triterpene and Steroidal Acid-TEMPO Conjugates by Ugi Multicomponent-Reactions. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 22, 7125.

  28. Mladenovi?, M., Morgan, I., Ili?, N., Saoud, M., Pergal, M.V., Kalu?erovi?, G.N., Kne?evi?, N.?. (2021): pH-Responsive Release of Ruthenium Metallotherapeutics from Mesoporous Silica-Based Nanocarriers. Pharmaceutics 13, 460


  29. Panteli?, N.?., Zmejkovski, B.Z., Bo?i?, B.?., Doj?inovi?, B., Banjac, N.R., Wessjohann, L.A., Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2020). Synthesis, characterization and in vitro biological evaluation of novel organotin(IV) compounds with derivatives of 2-(5-arylidene-2,4-dioxothiazolidin-3-yl)propanoic acid, J. Inorg. Biochem. 211, 111207.
  30. Smolko, L., Smolková, R., Samo?ová, E., Morgan, I., Saoud, M., Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2020): Two isostructural Co(II) flufenamato and niflumato complexes with bathocuproine: analogues with a different cytotoxic activity, J. Inorg. Biochem. 210, 111160.
  31. Mueller, K., Schütz, C., Rüffer, T., Bette, M., Kalu?erovi?, G.N., Steinborn, D., Schmidt, H. (2020): Synthesis, characterization, structures and in vitro antitumor activity of platinum(II) complexes bearing adeninato or methylated adeninato ligands, Inorg. Chim. Acta 507, 119539.

  32. Dra?a, D., Mijatovi?, S., Krajnovi?, T., Bogdanovi? Pristov, J., ?uki?, T., Kalu?erovi?, G.N., Wessjohann, L.A., Maksimovi?-Ivani?, D. (2019): Synthetic Tubulysin Derivative, Tubugi-1, Against Invasive Melanoma Cells: The Cell Death Triangle, Anticancer Res. 39, 5403-5415.
  33. Dra?a, D., Mijatovi?, S., Krajnovi?, T., Bogdanovi? Pristov, J., ?uki?, T., Kalu?erovi?, G.N., Wessjohann, L.A., Maksimovi?-Ivani?, D. (2019): The synthetic tubulysin derivative, tubugi-1, improves the innate immune response by macrophage polarization in addition to its direct cytotoxic effects in a murine melanoma model, Exp. Cell Res. 380, 159-170.
  34. Panteli?, P., Lerbs, M., Wolf, K., Wessjohann, L.A., Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2019): In vitro anticancer evaluation of novel triphenyltin(IV) compounds with some N-acetyl-S-(naphthoquinone)cysteine derivatives, J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 84, 1119-1127.

  35. Krajnovi?, T., Dra?a, D., Kalu?erovi?, G.N., Dun?erovi?, D., Mirkov, I., Wessjohann, L.A., Maksimovi?-Ivani?, D., Mijatovi?, S. (2019):  The hop-derived prenylflavonoid isoxanthohumol inhibits the formation of lung metastasis in B16-F10 murine melanoma model,  Food Chem. Toxicol. 129, 257-268.

  36. Edeler, D., Dra?a, D., Petkovi?, V., Natalio, F., Maksimovi?-Ivani?, D., Mijatovi?, S., Schmidt, H., Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2019):  Impact of the mesoporous silica SBA-15 functionalization on the mode of action of Ph3Sn(CH2)6OH,  Mat. Sci. Eng. C 100, 315-322.

  37. Maksimovi?-Ivani?, D., Bulatovi?, M., Edeler, D., Bensing, C., Goli?, I., Kora?, A., Kalu?erovi?, G.N., Mijatovi?, S. (2019): The interaction between SBA-15 derivative loaded with Ph3Sn(CH2)6OH and human melanoma A375 cell line: uptake and stem phenotype loss,  J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. 24, 223-234.
  38. Seixas, N., Ravanello, B.B., Morgan, I., Kalu?erovi?, G.N., Wessjohann, L.A. (2019): Chlorambucil Conjugated Ugi Dendrimers with PAMAM-NH2 Core and Evaluation of Their Anticancer Activity, Pharmaceutics 11 (2), 59.
  39. Kufka, R., Rennert, R., Kalu?erovi?, G.N., Weber, L., Richter, W., Wessjohann, L.A. (2019): Synthesis of a tubugi-1-toxin conjugate by a modulizable disulfide linker system with a neuropeptide Y analogue showing selectivity for hY1R-overexpressing tumor cells, Beilstein J Org Chem 15 (1), 96-105.
  40. Panteli?, N.?., Zmejkovski, B.Z., ?i?ak, ?., Banjac, N.R., Bo?i?, B.?., Stanojkovi?, T.P., Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2019): Design and In Vitro Biological Evaluation of a Novel Organotin (IV) Complex with 1-(4-Carboxyphenyl)-3-ethyl-3-methylpyrrolidine-2, 5-dione, J. Chem. 2019, 2019.

  41. Edeler, D., Arlt, S., Petkovi?, V., Ludwig, G., Dra?a, D., Maksimovi?-Ivani?, D., Mijatovi?, S., Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2018):Delivery of [Ru(η6-p-cymene)Cl2{Ph2P(CH2)3SPh-κP}] using unfunctionalized and mercapto functionalized SBA-15 mesoporous silica: Preparation, characterization and in vitro study, J. Inorg. Biochem. 180, 155-162.
  42. Walther, T., Herzog, R., Kalu?erovi?, M.R., Wagner, C., Schmidt, H., Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2018): Traceable platinum(II) complexes with alkylene diamine-derived ligands: synthesis, characterization and in vitro studies, J. Coord. Chem. 71, 243-257.
  43. Krajnovi?, T., Maksimovi?-Ivani?, D., Mijatovi?, S., Dra?a, D., Wolf,  K., Edeler, D., Wessjohann, L.A., Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2018): Drug delivery system for emodin based on mesoporous silica SBA-15, Nanomaterials 8, 322.
  44. da Silva, I.C.V., Kalu?erovi?, G.N., de Oliveira, P.F., Guimar?es, D.O., Quaresma, C.H., Porzel, A., Muzitano, M.F., Wessjohann, L.A., Leal I.C.R. (2018): Apoptosis Caused by Triterpenes and Phytosterols and Antioxidant Activity of an Enriched Flavonoid Extract from Passiflora mucronata,  Anticancer Agents Med. Chem. 18, 1405-1416.
  45. Jankovic-Tomanic, M., Todorovic, D., Stanivukovic, Z., Peric Mataruga, V., Wessjohann, L.A., Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2018): Mesoporous silica nanoparticles SBA-15 loaded with emodin upregulate the antioxidative defense of Euproctis chrysorrhoea (L.) larvae, Turk. J. Biol. 41,  935-942.

  46. Edeler, D., Bensing, C., Schmidt, H. and Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2017): Preparation and in vitro investigations of triphenyl [ω‐(tetrahydro‐2H‐pyran‐2‐yloxy)alkyl]tin (IV) compounds, Appl. Organomet. Chem. 31, e3630.
  47. Hübner, D., Kalu?erovi?, M.R., Gómez-Ruiz, S. and Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2017): Anionic chlorido(triphenyl)tin(IV) bearing N-phthaloylglycinato or 1,2,4-benzenetricarboxylato 1,2-anhydride ligands: potential cytotoxic and apoptosis-inducing agents against several types of cancer, Chem. Biol. Drug Des. 89, 628–633.

  48. Stojkovi?, D.Lj., Jevti?, V.V., Vukovi?, N., Vuki?, M., Poto?ňák, I., Zelen, I.R., Zari?, M.M., Mi?i?, M.M., Baski?, D., Kalu?erovi?, G.N. and Trifunovi?, S.R. (2017): Crystal and molecular structure of a new palladium (II) complex with a coumarin-valine derivate, J. Struc. Chem. 58, 550–557.

  49. Panteli?, N., Zmejkovski, B.B., Kolund?ija, B., ?or?i? Crnogorac, M., Vuji?, J.M., Doj?inovi?, B., Trifunovi?, S.R., Stanojkovi?, T.P., Sabo, T.J. and Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2017): In vitro antitumor activity, metal uptake and reactivity with ascorbic acid and BSA of some gold (III) complexes with N, N′-ethylenediamine bidentate ester ligands, J. Inorg. Biochem. 172, 55–66.

  50. Morejón, M.C., Laub, A., Kalu?erovi?, G.N., Puentes, A.R., Hmedat, A.N., Otero-González, A.J., Rivera, D.G. and Wessjohann, L.A. (2017): A multicomponent macrocyclization strategy to natural product-like cyclic lipopeptides: synthesis and anticancer evaluation of surfactin and mycosubtilin analogues, Org. Biomol. Chem. 15, 3628–3637.

  51. Kalu?erovi?, G.N., Bulatovi?, M., Krajnovi?, T., Paschke, R., Zmejkovski, B.B., Maksimovi?-Ivani?, D. and Mijatovi?, S. (2017): (18-Crown-6) potassium (I) Trichlorido [28-acetyl-3-(tris-(hydroxylmethyl) amino-ethane) betulinic ester-κN] platinum (II): Synthesis and In Vitro Antitumor Activity, Inorganics 5, 56.

  52. Kalu?erovi?, G.N., Abbas, M., Kautz, H.C., Wadaan, M.A.M., Lennicke, C., Seliger, B. and Wessjohann, L.A. (2017): Methionine and seleno-methionine type peptide and peptoid building blocks synthesized by five-component five-center reactions, Chem. Commun. 53, 3777–3780.



  53. Panteli?, N., Stankovi?, D. M., Zmejkovski, B.B., Kalu?erovi?, G.N. and Sabo, T.J. (2016). Electrochemical properties of some gold(III) complexes with (S,S)-R2edda-type ligands, Intern. J. Electro. Sci. 11, 1162–117.
  54. Krajnovi?, T., Kalu?erovi?, G.N., Wessjohann, L.A., Mijatovi?, S. and Maksimovi?-Ivani?, D. (2016). Versatile antitumor potential of isoxanthohumol: Enhancement of paclitaxel activity in vivo. Pharmacol. Res. 105, 62–73.
  55. Ludwig, G., Moji?, M., Bulatovi?, M.Z., Mijatovi?, S., Maksimovi?-Ivani?, D., Steinborn, D. and Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2016). Biological Potential of Halfsandwich Ruthenium(II) and Iridium(III) Complexes. Anticancer Agents Med Chem. 16, 1455–1460. 
  56. Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Hernández-Corroto, E., Brandt, W., Zmejkovski, B.B. and Gómez-Ruiz, S. (2016). Palladium(II) complexes with R2edda-derived ligands, J. Coord. Chem. 69, 1337–1345.
  57. Panteli?, N., Zmejkovski, B.B., Markovi?, D.D., Vuji?, J.M., Stanojkovi?, T.P., Sabo, T.J. and Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2016): Synthesis, characterization, and cytotoxicity of a novel gold(III) complex with O,O′-diethyl ester of ethylenediamine-N,N′-di-2-(4-methyl)pentanoic acid, Metals 6 (9), 226.
  58. Bensing, C., Moji?, M., Gómez-Ruiz, S., Carralero, S., Doj?inovi?, B., Maksimovi?-Ivani?, D., Mijatovi?, S. and Kalu?erovi? G.N. (2016): Evaluation of functionalized mesoporous silica SBA-15 as a carrier system for Ph3Sn(CH2)3OH against A2780 ovarian carcinoma cell line, Dalton Trans. 45, 18984–18993.
  59. Edeler, D., Kalu?erovi?, M.R., Doj?inovi?, B., Schmidt, H. and Kalu?erovi? G.N. (2016): SBA-15 mesoporous silica particles loaded with cisplatin induce senescence in B16F10 cells, RSC Advances. 6, 111031–111040.
  60. Edeler, D., Bensing, C., Schmidt, H. and Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2016): Preparation and in vitro investigations of triphenyl [ω‐(tetrahydro‐2H‐pyran‐2‐yloxy) alkyl]tin (IV) compounds, Appl. Organomet. Chem. in press doi: 10.1002/aoc.3630.
  61. Zmejkovski, B.B., Panteli?, N., Filipovi?, L., Aran?elovi?, S., Radulovi?, S., T.P., Sabo, T.J. and Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2016): In vitro anticancer evaluation of platinum(II/IV) complextes with diisoamyl ester of (S,S)-ethylenediamine-N,N'-di-2-propanoic acid Anticancer Agents Med Chem. doi: 10.2174/1871520616666161207155634.

  62. Panteli?, N., Stanojkovi?, T. P., Zmejkovski, B. B., Sabo, T. J. and Kalu?erovi?, G. N. (2015). In vitro anticancer activity of gold(III) complexes with some esters of (S,S)-ethylenediamine-N,N′-di-2-propanoic acid, Europ. J. Med. Chem. 90, 766–774.
  63. Momcilovic, M.,  Eichhorn, T., Blazevski, J., Schmidt, H., Kalu?erovi?, G. N. and Stosic-Grujicic, S. (2015). In vitro effects of binuclear (η6-p-cymene)ruthenium(II) complex containing bridging bis(nicotinate)-polyethylene glycol ester ligand on differentiation pathways of murine Th lymphocytes activated by T cell mitogen J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. 30, 578–853.
  64. Bulatovi?, M., Kalu?erovi?, M. R., Moji?, M., Zmejkovski, B. B., Hey-Hawkins, E., Vidakovi?, M., Grdovi?, N., Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Mijatovi?, S., Maksimovi?-Ivani?, D. (2015). Improved in vitro antitumor potential of (O,O'-diisobutyl-ethylenediamine-N,N'-di-3-propionate)tetrachlorido-platinum(IV) complex under normoxic and hypoxic conditions. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 760, 136–144.
  65. Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Krajnovi?, T., Momcilovic, M., Stosic-Grujicic, S., Mijatovi?, S., Maksimovi?-Ivani?, D., Hey-Hawkins, E. (2015). Ruthenium(II) p-cymene complex bearing 2,2’-dipyridylamine targets caspase 3 deficient MCF-7 breast cancer cells without disruption of antitumor immune response, J. Inorg. Biochem. 153, 315–321.
  66. Eichhorn, T., Hey-Hawkins, E., Maksimovi?-Ivani?, D., Moji?, M., Schmidt, J., Mijatovi?, S., Schmidt, H. and Kalu?erovi?, G. N. (2015): Binuclear dichlorido(η6-p-cymene)ruthenium(II) complexes with bis(nicotinate)- and bis(isonicotinate)-polyethylene glycol ester ligands, Appl. Organomet. Chem. 29, 20–25.

  67. Mijatovi?, S. Bulatovi?, M., Moji?, M., Sto?i?-Gruji?i?, S., Miljkovi?, Dj., Maksimovi?-Ivani?, D., Gómez-Ruiz, S., Pinkas, J., Horá?ek, M. and Kalu?erovi?, G. N (2014). Study of the anticancer properties of methyl- and phenyl-substituted carbon- and silicon-bridged ansa-titanocene complexes, J. Organomet. Chem. 751, 361–367.
  68. Ludwig, G., Ran?elovi?, I., Maksimovi?-Ivani?, D., Mijatovi?, S., Bulatovi?, M. Z., Miljkovi?, D., Korb, M., Lang, H., Steinborn, D. and Kalu?erovi?, G. N. (2014). Anticancer Potential of  (Pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)chloridoiridium(III) Complexes Bearing kP and kP,kS Coordinated Ph2PCH2CH2CH2S(O)xPh (x = 0–2) Ligands, ChemMedChem 9, 1586–1593.
  69.  Vuji?, J., Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Stanojkovi?, T. P., Anti?, J. A. and Trifunovi?, S.R. (2014). Invitro Antitumoral Activity of Palladium(II) and Platinum(II) Complexes with O,O'-Dialkyl esters of ethylene-bis(S)-Leucine, Lett. Drug Des. Discov. 11, 387–394.
  70.  Bulatovi?, M. Z., Maksimovi?-Ivani?, D., Bensing, C., Gómez-Ruiz, S., Steinborn, D., Schmidt, H., Moji?, M., Kora?, A., Goli?, I., Pérez-Quintanilla, D., Mom?ilovi?, M., Mijatovi?, S. and Kalu?erovi?, G. N. (2014). Organotin(IV)-Loaded Mesoporous Silica as a Biocompatible Strategy in Cancer Treatment, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 53, 5982–5987; Angew. Chem. 126, 6092–6097.
  71. Panteli?, N., Zmejkovski, B.B., Stanojkovi?, T.P., Jevti?, V.V., Radi?, G.P., Trifunovi?, S.R., Kalu?erovi?, G. N. and Sabo, T. J. (2014). Synthesis and high invitro cytotoxicity of some (S,S)-ethylenediamine-N,N'-di-2-propanoate dihydrochloride esters, J. Serb.Chem. Soc. 79, 649–658.
  72. Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Panteli?, N., Eichhorn, T., Bette, M., Wagner, Ch., Zmejkovski, B.B. and Schmidt, H. (2014). Platinum(II) complexes with R2edda ligands (R = Me, Et, n-Pr; edda = ethylenediamine-N,N-diacetate): synthesis and characterization, Polyhedron 80, 53–59.
  73. Zmejkovski, B.B., Savi?, A., Poljarevi?, J., Panteli?, N., Aran?elovi?, S., Radulovi?, S., Grguri?-?ipka, S., Kalu?erovi?, G. N. and Sabo, T. J. (2014). Synthesis, characterization and invitroantitumor activity of new palladium(II) complexes with (S,S)-R2edda-type esters, Polyhedron 80, 106–111.
  74. ?or?evi?, M., Jeremi?, D., Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Gómez-Ruiz, S., An?elkovi?, B., Radanovi?, D. and Br?eski, I. (2014). Synthesis and spectroscopic properties of large single-crystals of Pb(II), Hg(II) and Sr(II) methanesulfonato 1D coordination polymers, Polyhedron 80, 282–289.
  75. Ceballos-Torres, J., del Hierro, I., Prashar, S., Fajardo, M., Mijatovi?, S., Maksimovi?-Ivani?, D., Kalu?erovi?, G. N. and Gómez-Ruiz, S. (2014). Alkenyl-substituted titanocene dichloride complexes: Stability studies, binding and cytotoxicity, J. Organomet. Chem. 769, 46–57.
  76. Gómez-Ruiz, S., ?i?ak, ?. and Kalu?erovi?, G. N. (2014). Structural studies and cytotoxic activity against human cancer cell lines of mono and dinuclear tin (IV) complexes with the α,α′-dimercapto-o-xylene ligand, Inorg. Chim. Acta. 423, 117–122.
  77. Balbín, A., Gaballo, F., Ceballos-Torres, J., Prashar, S., Fajardo, M., Kalu?erovi?, G. N. and Gómez-Ruiz, S. (2014). Dual application of Pd nanoparticles supported on mesoporous silica SBA-15 and MSU-2: supported catalysts for C–C coupling reactions and cytotoxic agents against human cancer cell lines,  RSC Adv. 4, 54775–54787. [
  78. Barroso, S., Coelho, A. M., Gómez-Ruiz, S., José Calhorda, M., ?i?ak, ?., Kalu?erovi?, G. N. and Martins, A. M. (2014). Synthesis, cytotoxic and hydrolytic studies of titanium complexes anchored by a tripodal diamine bis(phenolate) ligand, Dalton Trans. 43, 17422–17433.

  79. Chaudhuri, S.R., Kalu?erovi?, G.N., Bette, M., Schmidt, J., Schmidt, H., Paschke, R. and Steinborna, D. (2013). Synthesis, characterization and cytotoxicity studies of platinum(II) complexes with amino acids in various coordination modes, Inorg. Chim. Acta. 394, 472–480.
  80. Ludwig, G., Kalu?erovi?, G.N., Rueffer, T., Bette, M., Korb, M., Block, M., Paschke, R., Lang, H. and Steinborn, D. (2013). Cationic arene ruthenium(II) complexes with chelating P-functionalized alkyl phenyl sulfide and sulfoxide ligands as potent anticancer agents, Dalton Trans. 42, 3771–3774.
  81. Zmejkovski, B. B., Sabo, T. J. and Kalu?erovi?, G. N. (2013): Palladium(II) complexes with R2edda derived ligands. Part VI. O,O’-Diisopropyl-(S,S)-ethylenediamine-N,N’-di-2-(4-methyl)pentanoate dihydrochloride and its palladium(II) complex: synthesis and characterization. J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 78, 1171–1176.
  82. Bla?evski, J., Petkovi?, F., Mom?ilovi?, M., Paschke, Kalu?erovi?, G.N., Mostarica-Stojkovi? and M. Miljkovi?, ?. (2013). Betulinic acid affects generation of neuroinflammatory mediators, Acta Pharmacol. Sin. 34, 424–4
  83. Ludwig, G., Mijatovi?, S., Ran?elovi?, I., Bulatovi?, M., Miljkovi?, D., Maksimovi?-Ivani?, D., Korb, M., Lang, H., Steinborn, D. and Kalu?erovi?, G. N. (2013). Biological activity of neutral and cationic iridium(III) complexes with κP and κPS coordinated Ph2PCH2S(O)xPh (x = 0–2) ligands, Europ. J. Med. Chem. 69C, 216–222.
  84. Wessjohann, L. A., Schneider, A., Kalu?erovi?, G. N. and Brandt, W. (2013). Solid-phase synthesis of reduced selenocysteine tetrapeptides and their oxidized analogs containing selenenylsulfide eight-membered rings, Mol. Divers. 17, 537–545.
  85. Panteli?, N., Zmejkovski, B.B., Trifunovi?-Macedoljan, J., Savi?, A., Stankovi?, D., Damjanovi?, A., Jurani?, Z., Kalu?erovi?, G. N. and Sabo, T. J. (2013). Gold(III) complexes with esters of cyclohexyl-functionalized ethylenediamine-N,N'-diacetate, J. Inorg. Biochem. 128C, 146–153.

  86. García-Pe?as, A., Gómez-Ruiz, S., Pérez-Quintanilla, D., Paschke, R., Sierra, I., Prashar, S., del Hierro, I. and Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2012). Study of the cytotoxicity and particle action in human cancer cells of titanocene-functionalized materials with potential application against tumors, J. Inorg. Biochem. 106, 100–110.
  87. Rocamora-Reverte, L., Carrasco-Garcia, E., Ceballos-Torres, J., Prashar, S., Kalu?erovi?, G.N., Ferragut, J.A. and Gomez-Ruiz, S. (2012). Study of the anticancer properties of tin(IV) carboxylate complexes on a panel of human tumor cell lines, ChemMedChem 7, 301–310.
  88. Ceballos-Torres, J., Gómez-Ruiz, S., Kalu?erovi?, G.N., Fajardo, M., Paschke, R., and Prashar, S. (2012). Naphthyl substituted titanocene dichloride complexes: synthesis, characterization and in vitro studies, J. Organomet. Chem. 700, 188–193.
  89. Molter, A., Kalu?erovi?, G.N., Kommera, H., Paschke, R., Langer, T., Poettgen, R. and Mohr, F. (2012): Synthesis, structures, 119Sn Moessbauer spectroscopic studies and biological activity of some tin(IV) complexes containing pyridyl functionalised  selenosemicarbazonato ligands, J. Organomet. Chem. (2012), 701, 80-86.
  90. Sanchez-Munoz, S., Gómez-Ruiz, S., Perez-Quintanilla, D.,  Morante-Zarcero, S., Sierra, I., Prashar, S., Paschke, R. and Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2012). Preliminary study of the anticancer applications of mesoporous materials functionalized with the natural product betulinic acid; ChemMedChem, 7, 670–679.
  91. Mihajlovi?, Lj.E., Savi?, A., Poljarevi?, J., Vu?kovi?, I., Moji?, M., Bulatovi?, M.,  Maksimovi?-Ivani?, D., Mijatovi?, S., Kalu?erovi?, G.N., Sto?i?-Gruji?i?, S., Miljkovi?, ?., Grguri?-?ipka, S. and Sabo, T.J. (2012). Novel methylene modified cyclohexyl ethylendiamine-N,N′-diacetate ligands and their platinum(IV) complexes. Influence on biological activity, J. Inorg. Biochem. 109, 40–48.
  92. Vuji?, J., Kalu?erovi?, G.N., Zmejkovski, B.B., Milovanovi?, M., Volarevi?, V., Arsenijevi?, N., Stanojkovi?, T.P. and Trifunovi?, S.R. (2012). Stereospecific ligands and their complexes. Part X. Synthesis, characterization and in vitro antitumoral activity of platinum(IV) complexes with O,O'-dialkyl-(S,S)-ethylenediamine-N,N’-di-2-(4-methyl)pentanoate ligands, Inorg. Chim. Acta 390, 123–128.
  93. Ludwig, G., Kalu?erovi?, G.N., Bette, M., Block, M., Paschke, R. and Steinborn, D. (2012). Highly active neutral ruthenium(II) arene complexes: Synthesis, characterization, and investigation of their anticancer properties, J. Inorg. Biochem. 113, 77–82.
  94. Gómez-Ruiz, S., Stanojkovi?, T.P. and Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2012). Synthesis, characterization and biological studies of tin(IV) and titanium(IV) complexes with the α,α′-dimercapto-o-xylene ligand, Appl. Organomet. Chem. 26, 383–389.
  95. Kalu?erovi?, G.N., Dietrich, A., Kommera, H., Kuntsche, J., M?der, K., Mueller, T. and Paschke, R. (2012). Liposomes as vehicles for water insoluble platinum-based potential drug: 2-(4-(tetrahydro-2H-pyran-2-yloxy)-undecyl)propane-1,3-diamminedichloro-platinum(II), Europ. J. Med. Chem. 54, 567–572. [Times Cited: 6; Impact Factor: 3.499]
  96. Gómez-Ruiz, S., ?i?ak, ?. and Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2012). A triphenyltin(IV) nicotinate derivative with potent cytotoxic activity against different tumour cell lines, Lett. Drug Des. Discov. 9, 737–741.
  97. Ceballos-Torres, J., Caballero-Rodriguez, M.J., Prashar, S., Paschke, R., Steinborn, D., Kalu?erovi?, G.N. and Gómez-Ruiz, S. (2012). Synthesis, characterization and in vitro biological studies of titanocene(IV) derivatives containing different carboxylato ligands, J. Organomet. Chem. 716, 201–207.
  98. Kalu?erovi?, G.N., Mijatovi?, S., Zmejkovski, B.B., Bulatovi?, M.Z., Gómez-Ruiz, S., Moji?, M., Steinborn, D., Miljkovi?, D., Schmidt, H., Sto?i?-Gruji?i?, S.D., Sabo, T.J. and Maksimovi?-Ivani?, D (2012). Platinum(II/IV) complexes containing ethylenediamine-N,N’-di-2/3-propionate ester ligands induced caspase dependent apoptosis in cisplatin resistant colon cancer cells, Metallomics 4, 979–987.
  99. Raki?, G.M., Grguri?-?ipka, S., Kalu?erovi?, G.N., Bette, M., Filipovi?, L., Aran?elovi?, S., Radulovi?, S. and Te?i?, ?. Lj. (2012). Synthesis, characterization and antitumor activity of a new trans platinum(IV) complexes with functionalized pyridines, Europ. J. Med. Chem. 55, 214–219.
  100.  Maksimovi?-Ivani?, D., Mijatovi?, S., Mirkov, I, Sto?i?-Gruji?i?, S.D., Miljkovi?, D., Sabo, T.J., Trajkovi?, V. and Kalu?erovi?, G.N. (2012). Melanoma tumor inhibition by tetrachlorido(O,O’-dibutyl-ethylenediamine-N,N’-di-3-propionate)platinum(IV) complex: in vitro and in vivo investigations, Metallomics 4, 1155–1159.

  101. Kommera, H., Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Kalbitz, J. and Paschke, R. (2011). Lupane triterpenoids - betulin and betulinic acid derivatives induce apoptosis in tumor cells, Invest. New Drugs 29, 266–272.
  102. Kalu?erovi?, M. R., Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Gómez-Ruiz, S., Paschke, R., Hemprich, A., Kühling, J. and Remmerbach, T. W. (2011). Organogallium(III) complexes as apoptosis promoting anticancer agents for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) cell lines. J. Inorg. Biochem. 105, 164–170.
  103.  Scholz,M., Kalu?erovi?, G.N., Kommera, H., Paschke, R. Will, J., Sheldrick, W.S. and Hey-Hawkins, E. (2011). Carbaboranes as pharmacophores: similarities and differences between aspirin and asborin, Europ. J. Med. Chem.  46, 1131–1139.
  104. Poljarevi?, J.M., Grguri?-?ipka, S., Kalu?erovi?, G.N. and Sabo, T. J. (2011).Dibromido[(S,S)-ethylenediamine-N,N'-di-2-(3-cyclohexyl)propanoato]platinum(IV) complex: Synthesis, characterization and DFT calculations, J. Coord. Chem. 64, 1016–1022.
  105. Radi?, G.P., Glodjovi?, V.V., Kalu?erovi?, G.N., Heinemann, F.W., Trifunovi?, S.R. (2011).Palladium(II) complexes with R2edda derived ligands. Part V. Reaction of O,O’-diethyl-(S,S)-ethylenediamine-N,N’-di-2-(3-methyl)butanoate with K2[PdCl4], Trans. Met. Chem. 36, 331–336.
  106. Gallego, B., Kalu?erovi?, M. R., Kommera, H., Paschke, R., Hey-Hawkins, E., Kalu?erovi?, G. N. and Gómez-Ruiz, S. (2011). Gallium(III) complexes with heterocyclic thiolato ligands: synthesis, characterization, cytotoxicity, apoptosis and study of the DNA-binding properties. Invest. New Drugs 29, 932–944.
  107. Yousef, R.I., Bette, M., Kalu?erovi?, G.N., Paschke, R., Yiran, C., Steinborn, D. and Schmidt, H. (2011). Structure determination and investigation on cytotoxicity of potassium dichlorido(l-prolinato)platinate(II) vs. chlorido(dimethyl sulfoxide)(l-prolinato)platinum(II) complex – in vitro antitumor deactivation by Cl/dmso ligand exchange. Polyhedron 30, 1990–1996.
  108. Vuji?, J., Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Milovanovi?, M., Zmejkovski, B. B., Volarevi?, V., Arsenijevi?, N. and Trifunovi?, S. R. (2011). Stereospecific ligands and their complexes. Part VII. Synthesis, characterization and in vitro antitumoral activity of platinum(II) complexes with O,O′-dialkyl esters of (S,S)-ethylenediamine-N,N′-di-2-(4-methyl)pentanoic acid. Europ. J. Med. Chem. 46, 4559–4565.
  109. Gómez-Ruiz, S., Ceballos-Torres, J., Prashar, S., Fajardo, M., ?i?ak, ?,. Jurani?, Z. D. and Kalu?erovi?, G. N. (2011). One ligand different metal complexes: Biological studies of titanium(IV), tin(IV) and gallium(III) derivatives with the 2,6-dimethoxypyridine-3-carboxylato ligand, J. Organomet. Chem. 696, 3206–3213.
  110. Bache, B., Zschornak, M.P., Passin, S., Ke?ler, J., Wichmann, H., Kappler, M., Paschke, R., Kalu?erovi?, G.N., Kommera, H., Taubert, H. and Vordermark, D. (2011). Increased betulinic acid induced cytotoxicity and radiosensitivity in glioma cells under hypoxic conditions, Radiat. Oncol. 6, 111 (1–9).

  111.  Gómez-Ruiz, S., Gallego, B., ?i?ak, ?,. Hey-Hawkins, E., Jurani?, Z. D. and Kalu?erovi?, G. N. (2010). Titanium(IV) carboxylate complexes; synthesis, structural characterization and cytotoxic activity. Polyhedron 29, 354–360.
  112. Gómez-Ruiz, S., Prashar, S., Walther, T., Fajardo, M., Steinborn, D., Paschke, P. and Kalu?erovi?, G. N. (2010). Cyclopentadienyl tin(IV) derivatives; synthesis, characterization and study of their application as anticancer drugs. Polyhedron 29, 16–23.
  113. Kalu?erovi?, M. R., Gómez-Ruiz, S., Gallego, B., Hey-Hawkins, E., Paschke, R. and Kalu?erovi?, G. N. (2010). Dinuclear gallium(III) carboxylates: synthesis, characterization and anticancer activity. Europ. J. Med. Chem. 45, 519–525.
  114.  Jeremi?, D., Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Gómez-Ruiz, S., Br?eski, I., Kasalica, B. and Leovac, V. M. (2010). Large single crystals of isomorphous hexaaquametal(II) d-camphor-10-sulfonates, Cryst. Growth Des. 10, 559–5.
  115. Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Pérez-Quintanilla, D., Sierra, I., Prashar, S., Hierro, I., ?i?ak, ?., Jurani?, Z. D., Fajardo, M. and and Gómez-Ruiz, S. (2010). Study of the influence of the metal complex on the cytotoxic activity of titanocene-functionalized mesoporous materials. J. Mater. Chem. 20, 806–814.
  116. Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Mohamad Eshkourfu, R. O., Gómez-Ruiz, S., Miti?, D. and An?elkovi?, K. K. (2010). 2,2'-{1,2-Dioxoethane-1,2-diylbis[(hydrazin-2-yl-1-ylidene)ethylidyne]}-dipyridinium diperchlorate dehydrate Acta Cryst. E 66, 0904–0905.
  117. Kommera, H., Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Bette, M., Kalbitz, J., Fuchs, P., Fulda S., Mier, W. and Paschke, R. (2010). Invitro anticancer studies of α- and β-glucopyranose betulin anomers, Chem-Biolog Inter. 185, 128–136.
  118. Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Pérez-Quintanilla, D., ?i?ak, ?,. Jurani?, Z. D. and Gómez-Ruiz, S (2010). Improvement of cytotoxicity of titanocene-functionalized mesoporous materials by the increase of the titanium content. Dalton Trans. 2597–2608.
  119. Kommera, H., Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Kalbitz, J., Dr?ger, B. and Paschke, R. (2010). Carbamate derivatives of betulinic acid and betulin with selective cytotoxic activity, Bioorg. Med. Chem Lett. 20, 3409–3412.
  120. Vetter, C., Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Paschke, R. and Steinborn, D. (2010). Synthesis, characterization and in vitro cytotoxicity studies of platinum(IV) complexes with thiouracile ligands. Inorg. Chim. Acta 363, 2452–2460.
  121. Lazi?, J.M., Vu?i?evi?, Lj., Grguri?-?ipka, S., Janjetovi?, K., Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Misirki?, M., Gruden-Pavlovi?, M., Popadi?, D., Trajkovi?, V., Paschke, R. and Sabo, T.J. (2010).Synthesis and invitroanticancer activity of novel octahedral platinum(IV) complexes with cyclohexyl edda-type ligands, ChemMedChem 5, 881–889.
  122. Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Tayurskaya, V., Paschke, R., Prashar, S., Fajardo, M. and Gómez-Ruiz, S. (2010). Anticancer agents, titanocene complexes, cytotoxic activity, carboxylato ligands, cyclopentadienyl ligands, DNA-binding properties. Appl. Organomet. Chem. 24, 656–662.
  123. Kommera, H., Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Kalbitz, J., Dr?ger, B. and Paschke, R. (2010). Small structural changes of pentacyclic lupane type triterpenoid derivatives lead to significant differences in their anticancer properties, Europ. J. Med. Chem. 45, 3346–3353.
  124.  Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Paschke, R., Prashar, S. and Gómez-Ruiz, S. (2010). Synthesis, characterization and biological studies of 1-D polymeric triphenyltin(IV) complexes with carboxylato ligands, J. Organomet. Chem. 695, 1883–1890.
  125. Vuji?, J., Cvijovi?, M., Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Milovanovi?, M., Zmejkovski, B. B., Volarevi?, V., Arsenijevi?, N. and Trifunovi?, S. R. (2010). Palladium(II) complexes with R2edda derived ligands. Part IV. O,O'-dialkyl esters of (S,S)-ethylenediamine-N,N’-di-2-(4-methyl)-pentanoic acid dihydrochloride and their palladium(II) complexes: synthesis, characterization and in vitro antitumoral activity against chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) cells. Europ. J. Med. Chem. 45(9), 3601–3606.
  126. Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Kommera, H., Hey-Hawkins, E., Paschke, R. and Gómez-Ruiz, S. (2010). Synthesis and biological applications of ionic triphenyltin(IV) chloride carboxylate complexes with exceptionally high cytotoxicity, Metallomics 2, 419–428.
  127. Kommera, H., Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Kalbitz, J. and Paschke, R. (2010). Microwave mediated synthesis and structure?activity relationships of betulin and betulinic acid derivatives, Archiv Pharm. 343, 449–457.

  128. Vetter, C., Wagner, Ch., Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Paschke, R. and Steinborn, D. (2009). Synthesis and characterization of platinum(IV) complexes with 2?thiocytosine and 1?methyl-2-thiocytosine. Inorg. Chim. Acta 362, 189–195.
  129. Radanovi?, D. Kalu?erovi?, G.N., Gómez-Ruiz, S., Sladi?, D., ?umar-Ristovi?, M., Br?eski, I. and Andjelkovi?, K. (2009). Crystal structure of 2-{1-[(1-(2-pyridinio)ethylidene)hydrazono]ethyl}pyridinium diperchlorate, the product of template condensation in presence of Cr(III), J. Chem. Crystall. 39, 138–142.
  130. Jeremi?, D., Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Gómez-Ruiz, S., Br?eski, I. and An?elkovi?, K. K. (2009). Tetraqua(D-camphor-10-sulphonate)calcium(II) Acta Cryst. C65, m143–m145.
  131.  Zmejkovski, B. B., Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Gómez-Ruiz and Sabo, T. J. (2009). (S,S)-N,N'-Bis(2-carboxy-3-methyl-propyl)ethylenediammonium dihalide cyclopentanol tetrasolvate (halide = bromide/chloride = 1:12), Acta Cryst. E65, 0656-0657.
  132. Raki?, G. M., Grguri?-?ipka, S., Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Gómez-Ruiz, S., Bjelogrli?, S. K., Radulovi?, S. R. and Te?i?, ?. Lj. (2009). Novel trans-dichloridoplatinum(II) complexes with 3- and 4-acetylpyridine: synthesis, characterization, DFT calculations and cytotoxicity, Europ. J. Med. Chem. 44, 1921–1952.
  133. Kraj?inovi?, B. B., Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Steinborn, D., Wagner, Ch., Merzweiler, K., Trifunovi?, S. R. and Sabo, T. J. (2009). Palladium(II) complexes with R2edda derived ligands. Part I. Reaction of O,O’-diisopropyl-(S,S)-ethylenediamine-N,N’-di-2-propanoate ligand with K2[PdCl4]. J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 74, 389–400.
  134. Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Vasiljevi?, T. M., Lau?evi?, M. D., Gaballa, A. S. and Sabo, T. J. (2009). Electrospray mass spectrometric studies of potential antitumor drug and its analogous: platinum(II) and platinum(IV) complexes with ethylenediamine-N,N’-di-3-propanoato ligand and it’s dibutyl ester.Monatsh. Chem. 140, 553–557.
  135. Gómez-Ruiz, S., Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Prashar, S., ?i?ak, ?., Besu, I., Jurani?, Z. D., Pashar, S.and Fajardo, M. (2009). Anticancer drugs based on alkenyl and boryl substituted titanocene complexes J. Organomet. Chem. 694, 1981–1987.
  136.  Pérez-Quintanilla, D., Gómez-Ruiz, S., ?i?ak, ?,. Sierra, I., Prashar, S., Hierro, I. Fajardo, M., Jurani?, Z. D. and Kalu?erovi?, G. N. (2009). A new generation of anticancer drugs. Mesoporous materials modified with titanocene complexes. Chem. – Europ. J. 22, 5588–5597.
  137. Gómez-Ruiz, S., Gallego, B., Kalu?erovi?, M. R., Kommera, H., Hey-Hawkins, E., Paschke, R. and Kalu?erovi?, G. N. (2009). Novel gallium(III) complexes containing phthaloyl derivatives of neutral aminoacids with apoptotic activity in cancer cells. J. Organomet. Chem. 694, 2191–2197.
  138. Zmejkovski, B. B., Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Gómez-Ruiz, S., ?i?ak, ?., Steinborn, D., Schmidt, H., Paschke, R., Jurani?, Z. D. and Sabo, T. J. (2009). Palladium(II) complexes with R2edda derived ligands. Part II. Synthesis, characterization and in vitro antitumoral studies of  R2eddip esters and palladium(II) complexes. Europ. J. Med. Chem. 44, 3452–3458.
  139. Gómez-Ruiz, S., Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Polo-Cerón, D., Tayurskaya, V., Prashar, S., Fajardo, M. and Paschke, R. (2009). A novel alkenyl-substituted ansa-zirconocene complex with dual application as olefin polymerization catalyst and anticancer drug. J. Organomet. Chem. 694, 3032–3038.
  140. Vetter, C., Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Paschke, R., Gómez-Ruiz, S. and Steinborn, D. (2009). Synthesis, structures and in vitro cytotoxicity studies of platinum(IV) complexes with N,S and S,S heterocyclic ligands. Polyhedron 28, 3699–3706.
  141. Zmejkovski, B. B., Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Gómez-Ruiz, S. and Sabo, T. J. (2009). Palladium(II) complexes with R2edda derived ligands. Part III. O,O’-Diisobutyl-(S,S)-ethylenediamine-N,N’-di-2-(4-methyl)-pentanoate dihydrochloride and its palladium(II) complex: synthesis and characterization. J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 74, 1249–1258. 
  142. Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Kommera, H., Schwieger, S., Schmidt, H., Paethanom, A., Kunze, M., Paschke, R. and Steinborn, D. (2009). Preparation, DFT calculations and antitumoral investigations of some platinum(IV) complexes with O,O’-dialkyl-ethylenediamine-N,N’-di-3-propanoate (R2eddp) ligands, Dalton Trans. 10720–10726.

  143. Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Schmidt, H., Schwieger, S., Wagner, Ch., Paschke, R., Dietrich, A., Mueller, T. and Steinborn, D. (2008). Platinum(IV) complexes with edda diester ligands: synthesis, characterization and in vitro antitumoral activity, Inorg. Chim. Acta 361, 1395–1404.[Times Cited: 36; Impact Factor: 1.940]
  144. Lindner, R., Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Paschke, R., Wagner, Ch. and Steinborn, D. (2008). Synthesis and characterisation of dinuclear ?-pyrazolato platinum(IV) complexes. Polyhedron 27, 914–922.
  145. Gaballa, A. S., Wagner, C., Teleb, S. M., Nour, E.-M., Elmosallamy, M.A.F., Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Schmidt, H., and Steinborn, D. (2008). Preparation, spectroscopic and structural studies on charge-transfer complexes of 2,9-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline with some electron acceptors, J. Mol. Struct. 876, 301–307.
  146. Kraj?inovi?, B. B., Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Steinborn, D., Schmidt, H., Wagner, Ch., ?i?ak, ?., Jurani?, Z. D., Trifunovi? S. R. and Sabo, T. J. (2008). Synthesis and in vitro antitumoral activity of novel O,O’-di-2-alkyl-(S,S)-ethylenediamine-N,N’-di-2-propanoate ligands and corresponding platinum(II/IV) complexes. J. Inorg. Biochem. 102, 892–900.
  147. Grguri?-?ipka, S., Alshtewi, M. A. A. M., Jeremi?, D., Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Gómez-Ruiz, S., ?i?ak, ?., Jurani?, Z. and Sabo, T. J. (2008). Synthesis, structural characterization and cytotoxic acivity of two new water soluble organoruthenium complexes. J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 73, 619–630.
  148. Gómez-Ruiz, S., Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Prashar, S., Polo-Cerón, D., Fajardo, M., ?i?ak, ?.,Sabo, T. J. and Jurani?, Z. D. (2008). Cytotoxic studies of substituted titanocene and ansa-titanocene anticancer drugs, J. Inorg. Biochem. 102, 1558–1570.
  149. Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Paethanom, A., Wagner, Ch., Sabo, T. J. and Schmidt, H. (2008). Dimethyl(ethane-1,2-diyldiimino)dipropionate dihydrochloride. Acta Cryst. E 64, o1232. 
  150. Jeremi?, D., Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Br?eski, I., Gómez-Ruiz, S. and An?elkovi?, K. K. (2008). Hexaaquamagnesium(II) d-camphor-10-sulphonate Acta Cryst. E 64 m952.
  151. Kelly, M. E., Dietrich, A., Gómez-Ruiz, S., Kalinowski, B., Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Mueller, T., Paschke, R., Schmidt, J., Steinborn, D., Wagner, Ch. and Schmidt, H. (2008). Platinum(IV) Metallacrown Ethers: Synthesis, Structures, Host Properties and Anticancer Evaluation, Organometallics 27, 4917–4927.
  152. Gómez-Ruiz, S., Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Prashar, S., Hey-Hawkins, E., Eri?, A., ?i?ak, ?.and Jurani?, Z. D. (2008). Study of the cytotoxicity of di and triphenyltin(IV) carboxylate complexes, J. Inorg. Biochem. 102, 2087–2096.

  153. Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Schmidt, H., Paschke, R., Kalinowski, B., Dietrich, A., Mueller, T. and Steinborn, D. (2007). Platinum(II) complexes with l-methionylglycine and l-methionyl-l-leucine ligands: synthesis, characterization and in vitro antitumoral activity, J. Inorg. Biochem. 101, 543–549.
  154. Gómez-Ruiz, S., Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Polo-Cerón, D., Prashar, S., Fajardo, M., ?i?ak, ?.,Jurani?, Z. D. and Sabo, T. J. (2007). Study of the cytotoxic activity of alkenyl substituted ansa-titanocene complexes, Inorg. Chem. Comm. 10, 748–752.
  155. Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Schmidt, S., Wagner, Ch., Merzweiler, K. and Steinborn, D. (2007). Synthesis, characterization and crystal structure of paladium(II) complexes containing EDTA tetraalkyl ester ligands, Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 72, 560–568.
  156. Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Schmidt, H., Wagner, Ch., and Steinborn, D. (2007). trans,cis-Dibromido[diethyl-(ethane-1,2-diyldiimino)diacetate-κ2N,N’]dimethylplatinum(IV). Acta Cryst. E 63, m1985.
  157. Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Gómez-Ruiz, S., Schmidt, H., and Steinborn, D. (2007). A monoclinic form of N,N,N’,N’-tetrakis(carboxymethyl)ethylenediammonium dichloride trihydrate. Acta Cryst. E 63, 03491.

  158. Kalu?erovi?, G. N., ?inovic, V. M., Jurani?, Z., Stanojkovi?, T. and Sabo, T. J. (2006). Activity of some platinum(II/IV) complexes with edda-type ligands against human adenocarcinoma HeLa cells. J. Coord. Chem. 59(7), 815–819.
  159. Miodragovi?, Dj. U., Bogdanovi?, G. A., Miodragovi?, Z. M., Radulovi?, M. ?., Novakovi?, S. B., Kalu?erovi?, G. N. and Koz?owski, H. (2006). Interesting coordination abilities of antiulcer drug famotidine and antimicrobial activity of drug and its cobalt(III) complex. J. Inorg. Biochem. 100, 1568–1574.
  160. Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Bogdanovi?, G. A. and Sabo, T. J. (2006). Crystal structure of ethylenediammonium-N,N-di-3-propanoic acid tetrachloroplatinate(II), (C8H18N2O4)[PtCl4]. Z. Kristallogr. NCS 221(3), 345–346.
  161. Kalu?erovi?, G. N., ?inovi?, V. M., Jurani?, Z. D., Stanojkovi?, T. P. and  Sabo, T. J. (2005). Activity of some platinum(II/IV) complexes with O,O-n-butyl-and O,O-n-pentyl-ethylenediamine-N,N’-di-3-propanoate and halogeno ligandsagainst HeLa and  K562 cell lines and human PBMC. J. Inorg. Biochem. 99, 488–498.
  162. Sabo, T. J., ?inovi?, V. M., Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Stanojkovi?, T. P., Bogdanovi?, G. A. and  Jurani?, Z. D. (2005). Syntheses and activity of some platinum(IV) complexes with N-methyl derivate of glycine and halogeno ligands against HeLa, K562 cell lines and human PBMC. Inorg. Chim. Acta 358, 2239–2245.
  163. Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Miljkovi?, Dj., Mom?ilovi?, M., ?inovi?, V. M., Mostarica Stojkovi?, M., Sabo, T. J. and Trajkovi?, V. (2005). Novel platinum(IV) complexes induce rapid tumor cell death in vitro. Int. J. Cancer 116, 479–486.
  164. Mijatovi?, S., Maksimovi?-Ivanovi?, D., Radovi?, J., Miljkovi?, Dj., Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Sabo, T. J. and Trajkovi?, V. (2005). Aloe emodin decreases ERK-dependent anticancer activity of cisplatin. Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 62, 1275–1282.
  165. Sabo, T. J., Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Grguri?-?ipka, S. R., Heinemann, F. W. and Trifunovi?, S. R. (2004). Complex compounds of platinum(IV) and O,O-dialkyl-ethylenediamine-N,N’-di-3-propanoate ligands. A structural evidence for geometry of hydrolytic product of some esters. Inorg. Chem. Comm. 7, 241–244. 
  166. Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Heinemann, F. W., Kne?evi?, N. ?., Trifunovi?, S. R. and Sabo, T. J. (2004). Crystal structure of (ethylenediammonium-N,N'-di-3-propanoic acid) tetrachloropalladate(II) complex. J. Chem. Crystall. 34, 185–189.
  167. Sabo, T. J., Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Poleti, D., Karanovi?, Lj. , Boccarelli, A., Cannito, F. and Natile, G. (2004). Cytotoxicity of some platinum(IV) complexes with ethylenediamine-N,N’-di-3-propionato ligand. J. Inorg. Biochem. 98,1378–1384.
  168. Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Heinemann, F. W., Leovac, V. M., Trifunovi?, S. R. and Sabo, T. J. (2003). Ethylenediammonium aquabis(malonato)oxovanadate(IV). Acta Cryst. E59, m541–m542.
  169. Kalu?erovi?, G. N. and Sabo, T. J. (2002). Synthesis and characterization of the cobalt(III) complexes withethylenediamine-N,N'-di-3-propanoate ligand and its esters. Polyhedron, 21, 2277–2282.
  170. Kalu?erovi?, G. N., ?inovi?, V. M., Trifunovi?, S. R.,  Hod?i?, I. M. and Sabo, T. J. (2002). Synthesis and characterization of tris[butyl-(1-metyl-3-phenyl-propyl)-dithio-carbamato]cobalt(III) seskvitoluole. J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 67(2), 123–126.
  171. Xu, X.-Y., Zheng, T., Liu, Q.-L., Liu, X.-H., Ma, W.-X., Cheng, H., Zhang, M. X., ?inovi?, V. M., Grguri?, S. R., Kalu?erovi?, G. N. and Sabo, T.J. (2002). Syntheses, crystal structure and properties of a 4,4'-bipyridine bridged trigonal-bipyramidal copper homonuclear complex with tris(2-aminoethyl)amine. J. Coord. Chem. 55(6), 711–716.
  172. Kalu?erovi?, G. N., Bogdanovi?, G. A. and Sabo, T. J. (2002). Synthesis and crystal structure of trans-dichloro(ethylenediamine-N,N'-di-3-propionato)platinum(IV) monohydrate. J. Coord. Chem. 55(7), 817–822.
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